Society of Georgia ArchivistsPreserving the past and present for the future.


Keep up with Georgia Archives Month information and activities through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

What is Archives Month?

Archives Month is a way to celebrate the value of Georgia’s historical records, publicize the many ways historical records enrich our lives, and recognize those who maintain our communities’ historical records. This is the ideal time to call attention to your organization or local government, and its work in preserving Georgia’s documentary heritage. The celebration will be publicized across the state through a Governor’s proclamation, a downloadable poster designed for cultural institutions across the state, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, newspaper articles, and events at various repositories.

How Can I Celebrate?

We encourage you to think of ways in which your organization or local government can celebrate Archives Month in your community. Create an exhibit, host a reception, give tours, write articles, or develop special programs – let your imagination be the limit! To help you, the Society of American Archivists (SAA) has created a web page with several resources that include a sample press release. For additional ideas, please see previous years’ activities pages at GAM past activities and the Council of State Archivists (CoSA). If you will provide information on your planned activity, we will be happy to help publicize your event on the Georgia Archives Month Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds. To submit information about your planned event, please send them to

Be A Sponsor of Georgia Archives Month

Georgia Archives Month is organized and carried out by a non-profit volunteer organization. Georgia Archives Month partners with the Society of Georgia Archivists, but maintains a separate identity with a specific mission. We have no operating budget and depend entirely upon donations from sponsors to carry out this important work. Here is an introductory letter describing the mission of Georgia Archives Month and how sponsors can help. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Need help?

For additional assistance or information, please contact For information on current GAM Committee membership, please visit the SGA's Committees page.

© Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA)

  PO Box 2112

  Rincon, GA 31326

Society of Georgia Archivists' logo created by Andi Counts, Veridian Design Group.
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