Recruiting Practices for SGA’s Nominating Committee will uphold the principles and commitments set forth in the organization’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion.
Moving forward, the Nominating Committee will take the following steps as part of its nominating and recruitment procedures in order to attract a diverse group of individual candidates for leadership roles and committee positions within the organization.
Calls for nominations will include reference to SGA’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion. Any solicited candidate will be fully informed of the duties of the position/role as listed in the Administrative Handbook, as well as potential involvement in any initiatives as outlined in the Strategic Plan.
The Nominating Committee Chair should work with the SGA Outreach Committee Chair and Membership Committee Chair to host informal discussions (e.g. in person, via Twitter, etc.) each year throughout the year (prior to elections) regarding leadership opportunities in SGA. Current and past board/committee members should be encouraged to attend. This will allow the Nominating Committee to gather potential contacts for future leadership opportunities within the organization. Such examples of events include in-person discussions at the Annual Meeting and/or at any mentoring and new-member-focused events. Other examples might include sessions with Clayton State University archival program students and/or Georgia Archives Institute participants.
Recognizing that diversity is not only about demographics, but is also about bringing aboard new ideas and different perspectives, candidates for elected positions will be asked to provide a short bio and brief statement addressing SGA’s Core Values, including diversity.
The Nominating Committee shall conduct a demographic survey the final year of each Strategic Plan to identify if/how membership has changed over time so as to inform planning initiatives for subsequent years.
Approved by the SGA Board on May 12, 2017