The Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA) benefits from the participation of people from a variety of backgrounds and strives to ensure that its membership, the holdings that archivists acquire and manage, and the users whom archivists serve all reflect the evolving diversity of the archival profession, our society, and the state of Georgia. Diversity is a part of SGA’s core values and as such, we strive to “...create inclusive environments by encouraging and promoting unique perspectives and experiences so that the archival field is a reflection of the society it serves." In drafting the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, the SGA Board created a priority section for diversity and inclusion to clarify what diversity means for SGA and “to attract a wider range of candidates for board positions, committees, and general membership; to create a culture in which leaders within the organization consider diversity as a critical element of all initiatives; and to ensure that SGA leadership reflects the variety of backgrounds of SGA membership." The 2021-2025 Strategic Plan continues the work begun in the previous five year strategic plan by centering SGA’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion and SAA’s Statement on Black Lives and Archives in all aspects of our organization’s work.
To that end, SGA has developed this Statement on Diversity and Inclusion, which reflects the Society of American Archivists’ commitment to diversity and inclusion.By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, SGA speaks more effectively on behalf of the entire profession and affirms the Society’s commitment to documenting and serving Georgia’s diverse populations.
Approved by the SGA Board on May 12, 2017